1. I'm a nominal fan of PA (post-apocalyptic) fiction, and this movie just seems so beautiful, if really depressing. It also really reminds of of the Gunslinger Series by Steven King. The image of a train going through a blasted wasteland is very powerful I guess.
2. Regular readers will know that I love the Economist and reading these articles celebrating the 200th birthday of Lincoln was a powerful reminder of what a great news source it is.
3. I want to keep an eye on this technology. Batteries have many disadvantages including toxicity and the limited availability of raw materials so any technology that can get around that obstacle in the path to sustainable transportation is worth following in my book.
4. I remember seeing a aerogel related technology when I attended a NESEA conference a few years ago and I'm really glad to hear about this novel application of the technology.
5. If you really care about national security and the war on terrorism then I'd recommend reading this paper. I am not a legal expert but Jack Goldsmith is, according to everything I've read so far, a brave, principled, and intelligent man. I think we should treat what he suggests seriously (even if we disagree).
6. PSA for iPhone and iTouch users only: Wired has a new guide to syncing your google contacts/calendars with your mobile device and it looks pretty good to me.
1 week ago
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